Walkerden Golf Australia
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Click to Enlarge -  STEALTH "PINS" CLEATS Walkerden Golf Australia


Softspikes’ Stealth cleat is offered exclusively in the PINS insert system. The low profile design allows golfers to feel closer to the ground and harness their highest level of balance and stability.

The Softspikes Stealth cleat with PINS fitting system has been specifically engineered to combine with the low-profile shoe phenomenon to allow golfers to benefit from superior traction, stability and overall performance.

Softspikes’ PINS (Performance INsert System) was developed after years of exploration at the brands Research and Development Centre. Its development has allowed a dramatic improvement in golfers’ balance by placing them closer to the ground, with a demonstrable improvement in ball-striking and providing greater feedback.

   Quantities: Kits of 1 set of cleats or bowls of 400 cleats
   Styles: PINS fitting only

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